Lieberman refuses to join the “Likud” alliance

Lieberman refuses to join the “Likud” alliance

Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s departing finance minister, stated today (Friday) that he rejected the “Likud” approach to joining a potential coalition of right-wing religious leaders put together by Benjamin Netanyahu. November, and asked him whether he would join a government led by the victorious Netanyahu Party, “revealing that he responded that he” has no problem “in joining a government with the Likud, and” but only after Netanyahu’s retirement.

There is nothing that can be discussed in regards to the establishment of a government with the “Shas Party” and “Yahdout Hatourah,” according to Lieberman.
Lieberman, the chairman of the national and secular “Israel of Israel” party, has openly rejected entering a government led by the “Likud” leader and with the hardline Orthodox parties, despite beginning his career as a Netanyahu friend.

Netanyahu Lieberman’s supporters have accused him of being anti-Semitic because of his positions and remarks, which are deemed to be detrimental to the hardline Orthodox population.

Lieberman declines to ally with the “Likud” coalition

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