In an electoral speech on the West Coast, Biden pledges to “liberate” Iran

In an electoral speech on the West Coast, Biden pledges to “liberate” Iran

US Vice President Joe Biden promised to “liberate” Iran on Thursday and predicted that the country’s anti-government protestors will soon be free.
“Don’t fear; Iran will be freed. They will soon gain their freedom “Biden made the statement during a significant political campaign in California, as scores of people gathered in other countries with signs supporting Iranian demonstrators.

In his remarks at Miracosta College near San Diego, Biden did not go into further detail or make clear the extra steps he would take.
Seven weeks in Iran erupted in the wake of the 22 -year -old Muhsa Amini’s death, while the Iranian ethics police were detained.

The protests that erupted after the death of Amini on September 16th showed that many Iranian youth challenge the country’s religious leadership, and to overcome the fear that strangled the opposition in the aftermath of the Islamic Revolution in 1979.
Due to the government’s denial of women’s rights and ruthless suppression of the protesters, the United States said on Wednesday that it would attempt to have Iran removed from the 45-member United Nations Committee on the Status of Women.

The committee that meets annually in March and works to advance gender equality and empower women has just begun a four-year term in Iran.

Biden promises to “liberate” Iran in a speech on the West Coast during the election.

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