“The Grocery Division” appeals to the producers and importers standing beside the state and not raising the prices of strategic goods

“The Grocery Division” appeals to the producers and importers standing beside the state and not raising the prices of strategic goods

In order to maintain the level of prices for strategic commodities during the current period, Hazem Al-Menoufy, Head of the Food, Grocery and Perfumery Division of the Alexandria Commercial Chamber, called on the vast majority of producers and importers in general, and Alexandria dealers in particular.

In press statements, Al-Menoufy emphasised that the general state of the markets cannot bear and cannot absorb any increase in prices at this time. He made an appeal to traders and produced the standing alongside the government and state to overcome these difficult circumstances that it faces and that have a significant impact on the overall national economy.

The chairman of Alexandria’s grocery and perfume division claimed that the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce sent directives to all chambers of commerce in different governorates, stating that it is important to follow these directives and refrain from raising prices.

Additionally, the chambers of commerce in every governorate established committees to keep an eye on markets and report regularly to their councils on the costs of essential goods and commodities. The General Union of Chambers of Commerce then forwarded these reports to the relevant government agencies to make sure that no violations or obstructions took place. It manipulates prices and makes sure that things are accessible in a way that satisfies consumer needs.

Al-Menoufy applauded the Council of Ministers’ decision to set the pricing of a few strategic commodities, such as (rice, sugar, and bread), compel sellers and merchants to abide by them, and impose harsher penalties on offenders in accordance with the law.

Al-Menoufy urged customers to uphold their rights and to file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Agency if they are subjected to an unprecedented price in order to combat any attempts at market manipulation.
The Division requested that food prices be standardised amongst commercial chains and hyper to take the same pricing in retail and supermarkets. The Competition Protection Authority recommended that this request be given swift attention.

Al-Menoufy added that because of the effects of the Russian-Ukrainian war, which resulted in a disruption of supply chains and sharp price increases, the entire world is exposed to an unstable situation.

The producers and importers standing by the government and not raising the prices of strategic commodities are urged by “The Grocery Division” to do so.

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