Why do Egyptians consume bread with greed?

Why do Egyptians consume bread with greed?

As the Egyptian Minister of Supply reported that the nation produces 93 billion loaves of bread annually, Egyptian economist Nader Nour El-Din virtually explained the reasons behind Egyptians’ bread intake.

In remarks to RT, Noureddine said: “According to the official data of the Ministry of Supply, and according to reports from the Central Agency for Statistics, which comes to 146 Kg for the individual in the year, Egypt comes second in the Arab world in the rates of wheat consumption after Morocco, where the individual consumes about 220 kg per year.

“He explained that the citizen in poor countries typically consumes a lot of starches like bread, pasta, and rice (rice consumption in poor Asia’s southeastern countries exceeds 60% of their food), and that the poor rely on cheap plant sources, like the proteins in legumes, to get all the calories they need to stay alive and be able to work to support Himself and his family because they lack the money to buy animal, poultry, and other expensive meats.

“With the high standards of living, the citizen is heading to consume animal proteins, poultry, sugar, fruits, and fish, and a consumption of starches and carbohydrates decreases, so the per capita consumption of bread and pasta in Egypt increases to the low entry and standard of living for the majority of citizens and the high levels of poverty, especially in the governorates of Upper Egypt, where it reaches 65% compared to about 32% in the gov’t.

Because Egypt imports 65% of its food from abroad, including beans and lentils, Noureddine noted that the high rate of poverty and Egyptians’ limited purchasing power are to blame. This situation is likely to get worse in the future as a result of the high value of foreign currencies relative to the Egyptian pound. Wheat bread is the food of the poor, as well as food oils, on which the poor also depend on their food, as well as wheat, corn, beef and meat, and therefore the dependence of Egyptians in the coming period may increase bread, potatoes and some types of low -prices vegetables, especially when the prices of tomatoes fall in the market.

Nasser Hatem of RT Cairo is the source.

Why do Egyptians eat bread so voraciously?

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