Acquaint yourself with Tutankhamun’s golden throne

Acquaint yourself with Tutankhamun’s golden throne

A stunning treasure discovered in Tutankhamun’s tomb is his golden throne, which is composed of gilded wood and embellished with coloured glass and semi-precious stones. CAIRO – 3 November 2022.
The embroidered scene on the throne’s back is its most striking feature. The royal pair is shown in the breathtaking image bathed in the sun disk’s beams. On his throne, Tutankhamun is shown wearing an ornate headpiece and jewellery.

Tutankhamun’s wife, Ankhesenamun, is depicted standing while applying perfumed ointments to his skin from a cup in her hand. In addition, a lavish crown and diamonds are shown on the queen.

Learn about the golden throne of Tutankhamun.

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