Study: A sharp rise in the incidence of stroke among young people

Study: A sharp rise in the incidence of stroke among young people

According to a new study by the medical journal “Gamma,” stroke cases have sharply increased over the past 20 years, particularly among persons under the age of 55. The study involved more than 94 thousand patients from the British Oxforder Province.
The study shown that strokes in this age group are evident in high-income countries even though they do not exhibit symptoms of vascular illness, high blood pressure, diabetes, or obesity.

Professor Linchin Lee, a researcher at the University of Oxford, was quoted in the study as saying that the study concentrated on the different types of strokes without addressing common health issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. Professor Lee also emphasised that the injuries included in the study were the reason for arterial blockage, small strokes, and brain bleeding.

The study, according to Professor Lee, considered a number of variables in stroke victims, including lifestyle choices, diagnostic procedures, and traditional vascular disease regulating factors. According to the study’s researchers, stroke rates increased by 15% in older persons over the age of 55 between 2002 and 2010, while they decreased by 67% among people under the age of 55 between 2010 and 2018.

It is noteworthy that a stroke occurs when blood supply is cut off from a part of the brain or decreases; Which prevents brain tissue from obtaining oxygen and nutrients and the brain cells begin to die within minutes. The stroke is a critical medical illness that needs to be treated right away to prevent brain damage and other serious problems like paralysis of the extremities, trouble speaking or moving, and others.

study: There has been a significant increase in young people’s stroke incidence.

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