The conviction of former officials of the Mouloudia of Algeria to imprisonment

The conviction of former officials of the Mouloudia of Algeria to imprisonment

According to a news report, the Algerian judiciary sentenced former Mouloudia Football Club leaders to imprisonment on Wednesday for accusing them of corruption.
The previous general manager of the team, Omar Gharib, was sentenced to two years in prison and a fine of roughly $7,000 by the misdemeanour court in the capital of Algeria, according to a report on the Al-Nahar newspaper’s website.

The same source noted that the Mouloudia Algeria Company’s governor of accounts, head of the finance department, and head of the general means authority were all subject to the same judgement. It was also rendered against a former president of the board of directors.
He also revealed that the defendants were followed on charges related to the dissolving and embezzlement of public funds, forgery, abuse of the job, and the use of correct seals by cheating..

the sentence to prison of former Mouloudia of Algeria officials

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