The Saudi riyal price today, Wednesday, November 2, 2022, at the end of transactions in Egyptian banks

The Saudi riyal price today, Wednesday, November 2, 2022, at the end of transactions in Egyptian banks

The price of the Saudi riyal was recorded against the Egyptian pound today, Wednesday, 2-11-2022, at the conclusion of bank transactions, with the Egyptian Central Bank recording 6. 41 pounds for purchases and 6. 44 pounds for sales.
According to the quick trading displays, the Al-Fajr website keeps tabs on the Saudi currency exchange rate in Egyptian banks.
Saudi riyal exchange rates at Commercial International Bank
The price of the Saudi riyal in the Commercial International Bank: 6.

for purchase, 38 pounds, and 6. 42 on offer.
The Housing and Housing Bank’s exchange rate for the Saudi riyal
The Housing and Housing Bank’s Saudi Riyal price reached: 6. 6. for buy, 37 pounds. 45 on offer.
The Saudi Riyal’s value in the Egyptian Gulf Bank
The Saudi Riyal is valued at 6 in the Egyptian Gulf Bank. 6. for the purchase, 41 pounds. 45 on offer.
Saudi riyal exchange rates at Al-Baraka Bank
The Saudi Riyal exchange rate in Al-Baraka Bank was 6. 6. for buy, 26 pounds. selling 43.

The Saudi Riyal’s value at the National Bank of Qatar
The National Bank of Qatar’s exchange rate for the Saudi riyal is 6. 6. for buy, 37 pounds. 45 on offer.
The Saudi Riyal’s value in the Arab International Bank
The Saudi Riyal reached the following value in the Arab International Bank: 6. for purchase, 38 pounds, and 6. For sale are 41.
The Saudi Riyal’s value at the Islamic Bank of Abu Dhabi
At Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank, the Saudi Riyal exchange rate was: 6. 6 for buy, 44 pounds. 46 on offer.

The exchange rate for Saudi Arabian money at Saib Bank
At Sep Bank, the Saudi Riyal was valued at 6.33 pounds for purchases and 6.45 pounds for sales.
Price of a Saudi riyal in Med Bank
Saudi riyals were valued at 6.23 pounds for purchases and 6.46 pounds for sales in Med Bank.
The Saudi currency exchange rate at Kuwait’s National Bank
The Saudi riyal price in the National Bank of Kuwait: 6. 42 pounds for purchase, 6. 45 for sale.

Price of the Saudi Riyal at the Industrial Development Bank
Saudi riyal exchange rates at the Industrial Development Bank were 6.37 pounds for purchases and 6.45 pounds for sales.
The cost of Saudi Arabian money at Mashreq Bank
The price of a Saudi riyal in Al-Mashreq Bank was 6.37 pounds for purchases and 6.46 pounds for sales.
The value of the Saudi riyal at the Arab Investment Bank
The Saudi Riyal was valued at 6.42 pounds for purchases and 6.46 pounds for sales in the Arab Investment Bank.

The cost of Saudi Arabian money at United Bank
Saudi riyals cost 6.20 pounds to buy and 6.44 pounds to sell in the United Bank.
The Saudi Riyal’s value at the Egyptian National Bank
The Saudi Riyal is worth 6.38 pounds for purchase and 6.41 pounds for sale at the National Bank of Egypt.

At the close of business in Egyptian banks on Wednesday, November 2, 2022, the Saudi Riyal’s value

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