Voice of Art Documents … The Association of Authors and Composers threatens Abdel -Wahab with expulsion … Know the story

Voice of Art Documents … The Association of Authors and Composers threatens Abdel -Wahab with expulsion … Know the story

Every time period in Egypt’s long history of art, literature, and social sciences is documented, and a few days ago, a person by the name of “Nawaf Al -Azmi” posted something on his page on the social media platform “Twitter” saying, “Today I bought a large group of works of” Voice of Art “company Which was owned by Abdel Halim Hafez and Mohamed Abdel -Wahab, their signatures, films, and songs,

The message was deleted by “Nawaf Al-Azmi” a short while later, but thankfully we had saved screenshots of it and carried the documents we’ll now stop reading in order to try to understand what it said, what it contained, and what it meant at the time.

Threats of expulsion from the Association of Authors, Composers, and Publishers have been made against Abdel-Wahab.
A chapter of the Association of Authors, Composers, and Publishers has issued a warning regarding the outstanding musician Mohamed Abdel-Wahab, one of the most well-known Egyptian and Arab artists, and the reason is that he has been slow to pay his subscriptions.

The distinguished colleague/Mohamed Abdel-Wahab issued this warning on May 6, 1967, and it is repeated in the arrival science.
Next to Greetings
Please pay any overdue subscriptions to you within two weeks of the due date; otherwise, we will have to apologise for applying the law to your organisation membership from the years 1965 through 1967.
And thank you for your respect, cashier Dr.

Therese Shawky
Was Muhammad Abdel-Wahab getting expelled from the association? may be the dangerous query here. Was Abdel-departure Wahab’s accepted by the association as a result of the subscription?
It is noteworthy that the business “Voice of Art” was founded in 1961 by the musicians Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Nightingale Al-Asmar Abdel Halim Hafez, Waheed Farid, and Magdy El-Amrui.

Documents from Voice of Art The Association of Authors and Composers has threatened to expel Abdel-Wahab. learn the tale

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