Image .. the first real evidence of a massive environment of water on the surface of Mars

Image .. the first real evidence of a massive environment of water on the surface of Mars

Researchers were able to depict about 6,500 km of river hills that were formed by rivers from the image’s characteristic beach terrain of this ancient ocean.
“The big and new thing that we did in this paper is to think about Mars in terms of its classes and sedimentary recording,” says geology, Benjamin Kardinas, of Pennsylvania State University.

The scientists used an analysis of hills, corners, and sites to understand the study area—the topographic depression known as the Aeolis Dorsa area on the surface of Mars—using data from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which was obtained in 2007.
One of the most crucial factors in this situation, according to Cardinas, is that the existence of such a large environment implies the possibility of life.

Large parts of Mars have what appear to be river borders, and the Red Planet’s surface form is quite similar to Earth’s, suggesting that there is also a substantial aquatic cover there.

The image is the first concrete proof that there is a vast environment of water on Mars’ surface.

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