A scandal that shakes global health .. A tweet to a doctor reveals “Harass me”

A scandal that shakes global health .. A tweet to a doctor reveals “Harass me”

The World Health Organization appears to have opened a fresh investigation into allegations of harassment made against several of its “adult” workers.
A tweet from a young doctor restarted the worldwide organisation that occasionally takes place in her hallway.
The incident began two weeks ago at the organization’s yearly “World Health Summit.”
Rosie James, a 26-year-old doctor, tweeted about the abuse she experienced in the early hours of October 18.

After a hectic day of engagements, she wrote in her hotel room in Berlin: “She was sexually attacked by a World Health Organization employee tonight.”
She continued, “Many of us had experienced similar situation before.
She confirmed that she would report this harassment, expressing her regret and disappointment with what happened.

As for the first accurate description of this harassment incident, she explained in an interview with the Telegraph newspaper, that one of the senior officials in the organization, and while they were exchanged the limbs of the conversation during a dinner held in the evening of the hotel’s lobby, tried to touch her, and put his hand on sensitive places in her body.
He kept asking for her hotel room number after that.
“I was very afraid . ..

However, I was more outraged than anything else when I got back to my room. Perhaps this is what prompted me to tweet right away.
“I did not anticipate my tweet to spread in this way and I received all this interest,” she continued.
But she confirmed that she “felt frustrated at the time, and wanted to report what happened in order to increase awareness,” stressing that the goal was absolutely not fame or attracting attention.

However, the aforementioned tweet has harvested thousands of likes and brands, and perhaps the most important thing is that among those who commented on the head of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhanum Gebrisos, who expressed concern about this behavior, saying that he is really “terrified”.
The group “can never accept sexual assaults or harassment,” he added, adding that it will do everything in its ability to assist.

Indeed, worldwide health started looking into the concerned individual the following day.
What caused Rosie to advise against providing further details until the investigation is complete.
But it is worth noting, but it is not the first time that suspicions, accusations and investigations have even revolved around the issue of sexual harassment, within the branches and organizations of the United Nations about the world, despite the strict international laws in this regard!.

A scandal that shakes global health .. A doctor is directed to “Harass me” in a tweet.

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