Filipino army official visits two battalions on Solo Island for this reason

Filipino army official visits two battalions on Solo Island for this reason

Two more battalions were ordered by a senior Philippine army general to preserve the security advancements made in the province of the southern island of Solo, where the terrorist organisation Abu Sayyaf is operating.
In a statement, Patmarimo said, “I personally came here to verify the army brigades’ willingness to perform its task in the new responsibility area in the second region of Solo.”

The commander of the joint task force urged the two battalions to uphold honour and carry out their duties and obligations to the highest standard in order to protect the military successes made by the Philippine army in its fight against terrorists, particularly the Abu Sayyaf group.
Patmarimo thanked the forces for moving swiftly to take control of the regions where the Marines had erupted.
In order to address issues of peace and security within their spheres of influence, he advised the forces to remain focused and proactive.

The Abu Sayyaf group has carried out numerous terrorist operations in Solo over the years, including the most recent suicide bombings in 2019 and 2020.
Al -Jazeera boycott was also the place where the Abu Sayyaf group was kidnapped from the nearby Malaysian waters and they were taken and secured during the ransom request..

Due to this, a Filipino army representative visits two battalions on Solo Island.

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