Today’s memory .. Balfour’s promise, the establishment of the axis coalition and the death of George Bernard Show

Today’s memory .. Balfour’s promise, the establishment of the axis coalition and the death of George Bernard Show

On November 2, many important events that changed the map of the world occurred, as he was born on this day many stars of art, politics, literature and in various fields, and we also left for us literary, policy and artistic personalities, as it coincides with the celebration of annual annual occasions, and this is what We review it during the following report.
Important occasions.

The Balfour Declaration, a communication from British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Lord Lionel Walter de Rothschild in 1917, expresses British support for the creation of a national homeland for Jews in Palestine.
Ethiopian Emperor Hila Silasi reigns in the year 1930.
Benito Mussolini, the leader of Italy, declares the formation of the Berlin/Rome axis, often known as the axis countries, which contains the nations that opposed allies during World War II.

1947: The battle over the Kashmir area is what led to the war between India and Pakistan.
Gerald Ford loses to Jimmy Carter in the 1976 US presidential election.
1978 – The Arab League Summit was held in Baghdad and a decision to suspend Egypt’s membership and transfer the headquarters of the Arab League from Cairo to Tunisia, after Egypt signed the Camp David peace agreement with Israel.

In 1983, US President Ronald Reagan signs an executive order designating Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a yearly national holiday in the United States.
Saif Al-Din Qutuz and Sultan Mamluki were born in 1231.
Queen Mary Antoinette, consort of King Louis XVI of France, reigned in 1755.
Greek poet Odesso Ellitis, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1979, was born in 1911.
Hassan Kami was an opera singer and actor in 1936.
Actor and director Sami Al-Adl was born in 1946.

Singer and actor Medhat Saleh was born in 1960.
Irish author George Bernard Shaw, who won the Nobel Prize in literature in 1925, was born in 1950.
President of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, assumed office in 2004.
worldwide holidays and events
The day of all spirits in Catholicism..

Today’s Memories: George Bernard Show’s passing, the creation of the Axis Coalition, and Balfour’s Promise

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