5 signs of a brain tumor, including headache and blurry vision

5 signs of a brain tumor, including headache and blurry vision

The majority of us are aware of the symptoms of heart attacks and strokes, but do you know how to spot brain tumour symptoms? First, it is important to know that there are two types of brain tumors, the treatment of each of them varies, the first type begins with the primary brain tumors in the brain, and the second type begins metastatic or secondary brain tumors in other organs, such as the lung or breast and then spread to the brain, according to what it published “AhchealTheNews”.

Although there is no way to prevent brain tumours, Dr. Dean Karahalius of Park Ridge, Illinois’ ADVOCATE LUTHARAN GENERAL Hospital says that being aware of common symptoms can aid in early discovery and improve outcomes.
common indications of brain tumours
Headache: Most headaches are not an indication of a brain tumor, however, the continuous headache and headache that increases its intensity is worse in the morning, and waking up may be symptoms of a brain tumor.

Numbness or weakness:
A brain tumour can produce paralysis or numbness in the arms or legs; often, this only affects one side of the body.
wacky vision
The tumor can increase the pressure inside your skull, which leads to changes in vision such as lack of vision or double, you may find it difficult to read, watch TV, or note the elements that appear closer than they are.

speech impairments
The type, size, and location of a brain tumour all have an impact on how difficult it is to pronounce it. Speech uncertainty, slurring, and tension can be caused by the muscles that the nervous system and brain use.

Personal changes: Certain frontal or temporal lobe tumours may result in irrational mood swings. The anterior lobe regulates cognitive abilities like problem-solving, emotional expression, memory, and language. The temporal lobe is crucial for the formation of long-term memory and may enrage those who were amenable to dealing with them in the past or initiating arguments without cause.

Although there are no early screening programmes for spine or brain cancer, taking an interest in your body and noticing symptoms early on are proactive activities you can take to enhance your quality of life.

Among the five indicators of a brain tumour are headache and blurred vision.

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