The American director “CDC” is infected with Corona for the second time

The American director “CDC” is infected with Corona for the second time

The director of the American “CDC,” Dr. Rothsiel Wolinski, suffered a second injury from the Corona “Coffee -19” virus, the centres for disease control and prevention reported on Monday.
Today, Wolinski exhibits minimal symptoms, according to a statement released by the “CDC,” and she was isolated at her Massachusetts home.

It is interesting that Wolinski, 53, contracted the same virus on October 21 and underwent a “Pakselovide” treatment regimen, following which she was symptom-free but had to work from home and take part in meetings online.

The medication “Paksalaovid” shown its efficacy in preventing major diseases for injury exposure, including the elderly and their share is weak, but it was insufficiently effective for the younger ages and some returned to injury symptoms after 5 days of taking the medication.

Corona infection strikes American director “CDC” a second time.

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