You will not believe … they exhumed his grave to steal the vertebrae of his back and teeth!

You will not believe … they exhumed his grave to steal the vertebrae of his back and teeth!

In a rare instance, the dead body remained damaged by the robbery for months after it was stolen from the grave in the Yemeni governorate’s city of Al-Aden.
The greed pushed thieves to steal vertebrae made of gold that was installed in the backbone of the deceased following a sliding incident that he suffered during his life.

What was only among them that they dragged the gold chips put in the mausoleum of the deceased, extracted the golden molars from his mouth, and eyewitnesses in the same location.
According to the information, the person invited to Muhammad Saleh died about 7 months ago after suffering a stroke, an electrician inhabiting Al -Mahra Governorate.

After the funeral, local reports began to circulate that the deceased had gold bars in his spine, which had been implanted after he had a slide accident some time prior and had been treated at a large company’s expense.
It was said that the bone restoration process took place after it was replaced by two paragraphs that were installed in the cartilage with gold.

The stories of riches persisted even though this information was initially unconfirmed, particularly because the deceased’s kin purposefully guarded his burial following his passing.
The grave robbers and body theft were exposed before the locals were shocked on Monday morning, seven months after the deceased person’s passing.
It is important to mention that the occurrence recently caused a significant shock in Yemeni society, as activists expressed dismay at what occurred.

Social media users expressed their opinions that the criminals’ decision to exhume the cemetery violated the dignity of the deceased.
Along with calling for the performers to be arrested and given the heaviest penalties possible, human rights activists also created hashtags criticising the conditions of the people and their situations, which push them daily to commit serious crimes like grave theft in order to survive.

You won’t believe it, but they dug up his grave in order to steal his teeth and back vertebrae!

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