Netanyahu: I will deal with the demarcation agreement as I dealt with Oslo

Netanyahu: I will deal with the demarcation agreement as I dealt with Oslo

News from Al-Madinah: Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated on Monday that if he were to take back the leadership of the government, he would deal with the agreement to demarcate the maritime border with Lebanon and the “Oslo” accord for peace.
Netanyahu reaffirmed his objection to the deal as a “surrender” in an interview with Israeli Army Radio, although he did not make a commitment to revoke it.

In response to a question about whether the agreement with Lebanon will be cancelled if it becomes prime minister, he said, referring to Prime Minister Yair Lapid and Defense Minister Benny Gantz: “I will act in the gas agreement as it did in the Oslo Agreement, which was another poor surrender agreement by the left government.

The former Prime Minister did not repeal the 1993 Oslo agreement between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization, but he did not implement it on the ground either, despite his adamant opposition to it.
Public opinion polls indicate that Netanyahu is the closest to the formation of a government by obtaining its camp 60 of the 120 Knesset seats, but he needs the confidence of 61 deputies to form a government.

The international agreement establishing the demarcation of their shared maritime border was signed by Israel and Lebanon on October 27 and deposited with the UN.
Itadar Bin Ghafir, a hard-right Knesset member from the “Religious Zionism” party, requested that he be given the internal security ministry. In response, Netanyahu said: “There are many candidates.

In addition to his “Likud” party, Netanyahu will rely on three other parties, “Shas,” “Judaot Haturah,” and “Religious Zionism,” to create a government.
In order to build a right-wing administration, Netanyahu urged voters once more to vote tomorrow, Tuesday, for his “Likud” party.

Netanyahu: I’ll handle the demarcation agreement the same way I handled Oslo.

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