It flew for 11 days without stopping … the bird that defeated the strongest planes (photos)

It flew for 11 days without stopping … the bird that defeated the strongest planes (photos)

The tiny Godowet bird, which has now travelled more than 13.5 thousand kilometres while flying nonstop for 11 straight days from Alaska to Australia, has proven that little birds can compete with large planes.
The Godwit is one of the birds on whose bodies scientists have mounted 5G satellite systems to track migratory trends, according to the British tabloid “Daily Mail.”

Juduet, a 5-month-old baby from Alaska, left Alaska on October 13 and made it to Anason Bay, northeast of Tasmania, Australia, on October 24.
According to “Birdlav Tasmania” specialist Eric and Wwell, the bird may have lost up to half of his body weight when flying continuously day and night. The expedition, he continued, was particularly dangerous because the bird is one of the species that cannot land on water.

This incredible bird relies on fat reserves as a source of energy during its journeys.

The bird that outperformed the most powerful planes flew for 11 days without stopping. (photos)

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