The Iranians are united by the Revolutionary Guards … and pressure to expel Tehran from the International Committee

The Iranians are united by the Revolutionary Guards … and pressure to expel Tehran from the International Committee

Students were subjected to tear gas, beatings, and shootings by riot police and Basij members as the protests that started weeks ago in Iran began their seventh week.
According to the Iranian Human Rights Organization, elements of Iranian security and Basij stormed the campus of several universities in the country to suppress the protesters and arrested a number of them.

The clashes that broke out in hundreds of universities raise the possibility that authorities will step up their crackdown in response to Mesa Amini’s murder seven weeks ago.
The Iranian city of Mahabad witnessed on Sunday night protests against the Iranian regime.

With the protests continuing despite the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Commander’s threats, Parliament Speaker Muhammad Baqir Qalibaf tried to strike a different tone. He hinted that social movements could change the country’s political system if they were kept apart from those who advocated violence, classifying the protesters in an effort to split their ranks.

The commander of the Revolutionary Guards had warned the Iranian youth that Saturday would be the last day of the demonstrations, which had begun after Amini was killed on September 16 while being held in the country’s literary police custody.

At the University of Azad in Tehran, where a mourning service for those killed in a deadly attack on a significant sacred Shiite site in southern Iran was taking place, fighting also intensified, according to the semi-official Iranian Tasnim News Agency. Tasnim made the generalised claim that several students were hurt during the altercations.

Social media clips showed that the security forces fired tear gas at students screaming against the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Externally, the voice of the world’s women also joined the demonstration in support of the Iranians and demanded that Iran be expelled from the United Nations Committee on Women due to repression and violence against protesters on behalf of women in 14 countries, including Hillay Clinton, Opera, and Michelle Obama.

The Revolutionary Guards are what hold the Iranian people together. and calls for the International Committee to ban Tehran

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