Renewed demonstrations in Iran

Renewed demonstrations in Iran

Iranian demonstrators gathered again on Sunday, challenging the Revolutionary Guards order to stop the demonstrations that entered her seventh week after the death of the young woman, Muhsa Amini.
In spite of Major General Hussein Salami, the commander of the Revolutionary Guard, advising the protestors not to enter the streets, students demonstrated on Saturday night and Sunday in Iran.

Amani, who was accused of breaking the strict dress codes for women in the Islamic Republic, passed away on September 16 at the age of 22 after being detained in Tehran. Her arrest sparked a wave of unrest and forced the government to respond to the “riots” with a “brutal suppression campaign,” according to Amnesty International.

The security forces fired gunshots and tear bombs on Sunday during a grouping gathering in the city of Senndge (west), where videos showed escalating smoke with the chants of “freedom”, according to the “Hancao” organization, which is based in Norway.
It also released a video footage of a 12-year-old girl sobbing while having her blood tainted with metal bullets, according to reports that Agence France-Presse was unable to independently confirm her veracity.

The security forces have made an effort to contain the female-led rallies, which have grown into a larger uprising against the 1979-established Islamic Republic regime.
Videos that were posted online showed Iranian students protesting the start of the workweek, particularly in the western city of Kermanshah and universities in Tehran and Kerman, southern Iran.

Demonstrations were held in more than 50 universities and a higher education institution, according to the Human Rights Organization in Iran, which has its headquarters in Oslo.
Social media videos also showed yelling “1500 photographs” protestors at a funeral for one of the demonstrators in Arak, southwest of Tehran. “Everyone who is murdered by a thousand individuals! Adding that the crowd was subsequently dispersed with tear gas.

It was reported that Sunday demonstrations were organized in several universities, including in the capital, Tehran, Mazandaran, and Mashhad, where the Human Rights Organization in Iran said that the crowds chanted “death for the dictator”, a slogan targeting the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
The group claimed that at least 160 demonstrators had died as a result of the demonstrations on Friday.

According to the human rights organisation, separate rallies against accusations that a girl was raped by a police officer broke out on September 30 in the city of Zahedan in the country’s southeast, resulting in at least 93 fatalities.

Renewing protests in Iran

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