Demonstrations in Sudan … and the police launch tear gas

Demonstrations in Sudan … and the police launch tear gas

News from Al-Madinah: On Sunday, thousands of Sudanese took to the streets of the nation’s capital, Khartoum, to protest for civil rule while tear gas canisters were used by the police to disperse them.
The majority of the 4000 protesters that assembled in Khartoum were young people. They carried Sudan flags and images of some of the protests as they marched towards the presidential palace, which is located in the heart of the city and is surrounded by armed soldiers from the army.

The assertion of a civil rule was referenced in the demonstrators’ chants “the military to the barracks” and “the country is our right (for us) and the civilisation of our authority.”
However, the police eventually replied by firing tear gas canisters in an effort to stop protesters from getting close to the presidential residence.
2000 people held a protest in the Bahri region, north of Khartoum, to call for civil rule.

Demonstrators blocked up the main Al-Arbaeen Street in Omdurman’s west by blocking it with stones, tree branches, and burned tyres from wrecked cars.
When protesters attempted to cross the bridge that connects Omdurman with the heart of Khartoum, the police opened fire with tear gas canisters.

In the morning, the authorities closed three bridges linking the center of the capital to the areas of Omdurman, Bahri and East Nile, after the riot police deployed on trucks and cars equipped with water cannons in central Khartoum.
Thousands of Sudanese have participated in protests over the last few days.

According to the Central Medical Committee against the Coup, a Sudanese protester was killed by Arab security forces during rallies last week in Khartoum and other towns, in which thousands of people took part.
As a result, the total number of protest-related deaths in a single year increased to 119.

Sudanese protests, followed by police use of tear gas

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