Announcing an air alert in Kyiv and 4 Ukrainian regions

Announcing an air alert in Kyiv and 4 Ukrainian regions

News from Al-Madinah: The Russian military operation in Ukraine continues, on Sunday, on a new day, where units of the Russian army are trying to extend full control over the Ukrainian regions and hit the positions of Kyiv forces, while the latter continues the resistance and trying to restore their lands with material and military support from the Western powers.

According to the most recent developments, the Ukrainian government declared a state of inflammatory Jii today as well as four other Ukrainian regions: Denipoproptrovsk, Poluta, Sumi, and Karkov.
Two days after the attack that attacked the Crimea, which Moscow blamed on Ukraine, the Russian attacks on the Ukrainian infrastructure started on October 10.

On Saturday, Ukrainian President Foludmir Zellinski indicated that although the country’s electricity supply is improving following coordinated Russian attacks on power plants, it might still be necessary to turn off the electricity in an emergency.
In recent weeks, Russia has concentrated on drone and missile assaults on energy facilities across Ukraine, destroying more than 30% of the energy utilised for power generation.

In a pictorial letter, Zellinski noted that while emergency power outages are considerably less often today, restrictions can still be put in place in some cities and regions.
It was claimed that some technicians in Russia were assassinated and that they had targeted the stations undergoing change.
This was said by Russia and Ukraine officials that the two countries carried out the latest prisoners ’exchange operations, on Saturday, as each of the two sides returned about 50 prisoners.

52 captives, including soldiers, sailors, border guards, members of the National Guard, and physicians, were claimed to have returned by the Ukrainian Military Intelligence Directorate.
According to President Zellinski, Russia has freed 1031 prisoners since March.

declaring an air emergency in Kyiv and four other Ukrainian districts

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