America criticizes the decision of Russia to suspend the grain export agreement

America criticizes the decision of Russia to suspend the grain export agreement

Russia’s move to halt the agreement allowing Ukraine to export wheat from Black Sea ports has drawn criticism from the United States.
The deal to address the world hunger crisis that was struck three months ago has been suspended, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, who claimed that “terrorist strikes” were conducted against its fleet in the Black Sea.
Anthony Blinkkin, the US secretary of state, asked Russia to keep exporting “basic necessities.”

Plakennn stated in a statement that “any action from Russia to halt these important exports of tablets is effectively a statement that people and families throughout the world must pay more for food or go without,”
“By suspending this agreement, Russia once again used food as a weapon in the conflict it initiated,” the speaker added. “This directly impacts poor and middle-income nations and global food prices, and it leads to the already increasing serious humanitarian situations and food insecurity.”

America slams Russia for their decision to halt the grain export arrangement.

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