ISIS overlooks its head again in Syria … new attacks are indispensable

ISIS overlooks its head again in Syria … new attacks are indispensable

The terrorist group ISIS is still operating in Syria, according to new information, as evidenced by its recent uptick in attacks on both sites belonging to the Syrian regime and other targets.

In the details, informed sources reported that the terrorist organization continues its activity on Syrian soil, to prove its actual presence, unlike the declaration of the leadership of the international coalition in its defeat in March 2019, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
She continued by saying that the terrorists are concentrating their efforts through armed assassinations, deliberate targeting, and sporadic explosions.

She cited the organization’s recent movements in various locations on Syrian land with various forms of influence as evidence that its cells are still operational, as other American officials had separately warned earlier.
The group also has cells concealed in isolated mountainous regions that occasionally carry out operations by aiming at locations used by Kurdish troops and others by Syrian regime forces.

She was successful in carrying out a significant attack on a Kurdish jail in Hasaka (northeast) earlier this year, which resulted in hundreds of fatalities.
It is significant that the group suffered a severe setback when Washington announced on February 3 that its head, Abu Ibrahim al-Qurashi, had been killed by American soldiers in northwest Syria during a covert operation.
A little more than a month later, the group declared Abu Al-Hassan Al-Hashemi Al-Qurashi to be its commander.

The terrorist group ramped up its attacks in recent months, focusing on its own strongholds and another in Badia, where it carried out a number of raids and ambushes against the militias and forces of the regime there. It also attacked Raqqa, the eastern Hama countryside, the eastern Homs countryside, the desert of Deir Al-Zour, and the administrative borders between those two cities, as well as Daraa.

ISIS turns its head once more in Syria; additional attacks are essential.

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