The people of Arak and Kermanshah in Iran are young people who were killed during his arrest

The people of Arak and Kermanshah in Iran are young people who were killed during his arrest

Many of the people of Arak and Kermanshah’s cities participated in the funeral ceremony of the young man, Mhardid Shahidi, who was killed while he was arrested at the Revolutionary Guards intelligence headquarters in Arak in central Iran.
They also took part in the 40th anniversary of Mino Majidi’s death, which occurred amid protests in the western city of Kermanshah, when the Iranian security forces attacked crowds of people in Arak.

Videos of the Shahidi Mhardah’s burial revealed a sizable turnout of Arak residents. People shouted “Death to the Revolutionary Guards,” “This year of blood, and Khamenei will fall,” and “Death to the dictator” throughout the funeral procession.
The phrase “O jealous angel, happy birthday” was raised by citizens during the funeral service for the young guy Shahidi given his birth.

On the other hand, videos of the protestors’ resistance and the security personnel’s retreat from the scene proved that the Iranian security forces had used tear gas against those attending Mahdid Shahidi’s burial in the city of Arak.

It is noteworthy that the young Shahidi was born in 2002, and he was arrested during the protests, last Tuesday, October 25, in Arak in central Iran, and died at the headquarters of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards intelligence in this city, due to strong strikes in the heads of his head.
In an interview, his relatives said that the regime put pressure on them to claim that he died of a heart attack brought on by extreme terror rather than a knock to the head.

The fortieth ceremony of Meno Majidi, one of the victims of the current protests in Iran in B and Rmanshah, west of the country, witnessed a wide presence by the people, and the participants raised the slogan “Women Life Freedom”, in the Kurdish language.
A thousand people will follow a person who is killed, participants at Mino Majidi’s 40th ceremony chanted.

It is significant that Mino Majeedi was shot and murdered by security personnel on September 20 while participating in protests in Kermanshah.

Young people from Arak and Kermanshah in Iran were killed while he was being arrested.

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