The Global Climate Program adviser explains why the European Bank is lending Egypt one billion euros.

The Global Climate Program adviser explains why the European Bank is lending Egypt one billion euros.

In light of hosting the Cop27 Climate Summit, the European Bank for Reconstruction will provide Egypt with support in an amount that may exceed one billion euros. This is customary for any country hosting the climate conference to help it organise this event, which draws 50,000 people from around the world. As a result, Sharm El-Sheikh underwent a comprehensive renovation. Magdy Allam, secretary of the Union of Arab Environmental Experts and consultant to the World Climate Program.

There were more green spaces, and any sources of contamination were eliminated. The World Climate Program advisor also mentioned that Egypt was chosen to implement 17 sustainable development goals, including climate protection, and that the European Bank supports any nation with sustainable development.

The World Climate Program adviser continued, “The European Bank plans to pump money into Egypt for clean energy, and all modes of transportation will work with clean energy and wind energy for clean and renewable energy, and Egypt has a list of proposed clean energy projects in front of all the concerned ministers.”

According to a statement released by the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs today, the meeting discussed concrete ways to get in touch with friendly and ally nations, international and regional humanitarian organisations, and non-governmental organisations to enlist their support and make use of their skills and knowledge, particularly in meeting urgent needs such as those for food, medicine, and shelter.

As President Sisi promised in Vision 2035, Egypt will have finished everything that works with clean energy and green projects, and many of the projects that Egypt intends to implement under the guises of green investment. The green economy has also been completed, and green energy is the target for the upcoming period worldwide.

The advisor for the Global Climate Program outlines the rationale behind the European Bank’s one billion euro loan to Egypt.

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