It killed dozens of lives .. The storm, “Nalji”, left a tremendous destruction in the Philippines

It killed dozens of lives .. The storm, “Nalji”, left a tremendous destruction in the Philippines

Today, Saturday, the Philippine capital, Manila and the neighboring towns, are preparing for the tropical storm “Nalji”, which claimed the lives of 45 people, most of them died due to the landslides in the southern provinces of the Philippines.
After confirming the information provided by field staff, including search and rescue personnel seeking for 18 people who are missing, the Disaster Control Authority in the Southeast Asian nation has decreased the number of fatalities from 72 to 45.

Residents of Manila’s seaside neighbourhood were obvious, and all stages of the study were put on hold.
Millions were expected to visit over the holiday that runs for the day of all saints on Saturday, thus Manila’s mayor, Hani Lakuna Banjan, ordered the closure of the city’s cemeteries.

The Meteorological Authority has issued a bulletin warning of large-scale landslides and torrents as a result of heavy rains that may also strike the nation’s capital and nearby regions due to the penetration of the storm Nalji Luzon, which is moving toward the South China Sea.

116 domestic and international flights by the airlines were cancelled to and from the Philippines’ main airport, and the Coast Guard reported that 107 ships with about 7500 passengers, drivers, and shipping workers were halted in the ports.

It claimed numerous lives. The storm, “Nalji”, left a tremendous destruction in the Philippines

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