In exchange for insults … the end of the presidential election campaign with a fierce debate in Brazil

In exchange for insults … the end of the presidential election campaign with a fierce debate in Brazil

News from Al-Madinah: Two days before the second round of voting, a heated television debate between former president Lula da Silva and the current president Jayer Bolsonaro came to a conclusion in Brazil. During the debate, they spat insults.
Instead than outlining their specific plans for the next four years, the two contenders were occupied with insults for more than two hours on Friday.
If not, stop lying and head back home. Said extremist right -wing president, Jayer Bolsonaro, 67.

This man is the biggest liar in Brazilian history, he is a dysfunction, declared former socialist president Luis Inacio Lula Da Silva on Thursday as he turned 77.
If not for his opponent, he attacked the foreign policy of his opponent, claiming that “Under your leadership, Brazil has become a pariah; no one wants to receive you and no one comes here.” He thinks of himself as the father of the poor,’ Polsonaro retorted sarcastically before calling him a “thief.

According to the Datafolha Institute’s most recent poll, Lula received 53% of the vote intentions compared to the right-wing president’s 47%.
On October 2, Lula got 48% of the vote in the first round of voting, compared to Bolsonaro’s 43%. Bolsonaro’s outcome was significantly better than what the polls had predicted, which gave him some traction in the second round of voting.

With regard to the outside world, former US President Donald Trump lauded Brazilian President Jayer Bolsonaro on Friday, calling him a “wonderful” leader and urging Brazilians to vote for him to win a second term.
Trump called Sunday’s second round of the Brazilian presidential election a “important day for Brazil.”
Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, a left-leaning contender, was criticised by Trump, who called him “a radical left, a radical left, would destroy your country soon.”

Trump previously declared before the first session that Bolsonaro is a “beautiful man, one of the great leaders of any country in the world. ” This is the second time that Trump has been invited to re-elect Bolsonaro.
Al-Jazeera + Agencies is the source.

A heated argument in Brazil to conclude the presidential election campaign in exchange for insults

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