The start of the work of the Arab Ministerial Council in Algeria

The start of the work of the Arab Ministerial Council in Algeria

The work of the Arab Ministerial Council in Algeria began today, on Saturday, and Othman Al-Jarndi of Tunisia assumed the rotating president of the Arab Summit in its 31st session in place of the Algerian Foreign Minister Ramtan.
Lamamra stated in a speech at the opening that the institution is looking for a fresh start for collaborative Arab work and noted that efforts to address Arab issues should not be affected by developments on the international stage.

As he noted, “the avenues of peace must be pushed to address conflicts in our Arab countries.” He also added that “the crisis in Ukraine creates a tough reality that requires a collective Arab action.”
He called for engaging in the enormous prospects available to promote Arab integration and emphasised the importance of keeping the ideals of good neighbourliness and respecting the sovereignty and independence of states.

In turn, the Secretary -General of the League of Arab States, Ahmed Aboul Ghadh, said that the Arab summit is the most important mechanism of joint Arab action.
He reaffirmed his enthusiasm for the Arab summit’s continuance, stressing that the Algerian summit aims to create a strategy for cooperation in the coming phase.

Notably, the first meeting of the University Council was held on Wednesday at the level of permanent delegates and senior preparation officials, marking Algeria’s official assumption of the rotating chair of the Arab summit.

the beginning of the Arab Ministerial Council’s activities in Algeria

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