Tips to care for a newborn child .. including avoiding giving him cow’s milk

Tips to care for a newborn child .. including avoiding giving him cow’s milk

The new baby requires a lot of love and care and depends only on his parents in that, and there are things that the mother should learn about dealing with her little child, in this report we learn about advice for the care of a newborn child, according to the “Health” website.
Advice for caring for the newborn 1.

Do not feed cow’s milk.
According to the American centres to battle and prevent illnesses’ advise, a newborn should only be fed breast milk for at least 12 months because giving it cow’s milk could put it at risk for intestinal haemorrhage.
Also, cow’s milk contains a lot of proteins and minerals so that your child’s body cannot deal with it and does not contain the correct type of nutrients needed for the child’s growth.

without taking a shower before the cord is cut
The date of your newborn’s shower may be tough to predict, but many doctors have firmly established it. The baby shouldn’t use the restroom for the first time until the umbilical cord has been cut from his belly button and the area has fully healed, as doing so could increase the risk of infection.

Don’t provide water a year ago
According to UNICEF’s guidelines for the development of the child, during the first six months, the child does not need water as food requirements are provided for water through breast milk alone, and their digestive system is not so -called to treat this amount of fluids.

Give no hard foods a year ago
According to UNICEF recommendations, giving your baby meals or liquids besides breast milk before he is 6 months old might raise the risk of diseases like diarrhoea, which can make him weak and skinny and even endanger his life. The feeding rate may also decrease your child, so the amount of milk, which is its most important food, may decrease.

For all infants worldwide throughout their first six months of life, breast milk is the healthiest and most secure meal.

Advice on how to take care of a newborn child, including not giving him cow’s milk

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