Security surrounds the universities of Tehran … and students chanting “Khamenei Killer”

Security surrounds the universities of Tehran … and students chanting “Khamenei Killer”

With the renewed protests in a number of universities in the capital, Tehran, today, Saturday, the security forces surrounded students.
Photographs taken by Basij members attacking University of Research Sciences students in Tehran were published by Iranian activists.

According to “Iran International,” security forces also surrounded the University of “Sohanks” in the capital, which spurred the sit-in to encourage residents and families to attend and end the siege.
The demonstrators at Tehran University’s Technology College screamed, “The owner of the crippled hand (referring to Iranian supreme leader Ali Khamenei), who killed the Shiraz attack victims.

The situation was the same in Mashhad, a city in the northeast of the country, where security forces and Basij forces attacked civilian students at Ferdousi University, which was the scene of student protests against the regime.

It is noteworthy that, since September 16, Iran has been witnessing the day of the death of a 22 -year -old Kurdish woman, Mhisa Amini, just 3 days after its arrest at the hands of the Ethics Police, unprecedented protests since 2019, in which many angry young men and women, and from all classes of society participated.
For years, both college and high school students contributed to the supply of this historic movement.

Since the 1979 revolution, this was one of the most audacious tests for the authorities and the powerful clergy.
However, the security forces violently confronted them, killing hundreds of protesters, as a number of human rights organizations confirmed the killing of at least 250 protesters, while thousands were arrested throughout Iran..

Tehran’s universities are surrounded by security, and students can be heard screaming “Khamenei Killer.”

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