Kadyrov: What we do is an obligation to defend the motherland, and we will definitely accomplish all the tasks

Kadyrov: What we do is an obligation to defend the motherland, and we will definitely accomplish all the tasks

Ramadan Kadyrov, the president of the Chechen Republic, emphasised that what the Chechen troops are doing is a duty to protect the motherland. He also emphasised that all responsibilities would be completed without a doubt and that the rest is only a matter of time.

Kadyrov said at a meeting at the Regional Center for Operations Command, with the leaders of the Chechen forces, that the Chechen forces participating in the Russian private military operation “stand like the wall in the path of the Nazis who are planning to spread evil in Russia. ”
The fighters from Chechnya engage in “true jihad, and they protect their family, their religion, their spiritual values, and their nation,” he continued.

He claimed that about 10,000 Chechen forces were positioned in the front lines of the hostilities, and that new fighter detachments were being dispatched there every week.
He clarified that providing food, personal protection gear, and ammo is not a problem.
Source: Agencies.

Kadyrov: We must defend the nation as part of our duty, and we will complete all the responsibilities.

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