American writer: Washington must open diplomatic channels with Russia to avoid a catastrophic conflict between the two countries

American writer: Washington must open diplomatic channels with Russia to avoid a catastrophic conflict between the two countries

In an article for the American newspaper “Washington Post,” American author David Egatius emphasised the necessity for the United States to immediately open diplomatic channels of communication with Russian President Vladimir Putin in order to prevent a catastrophic conflict between Russia and America.

The author stressed that these diplomatic channels should concentrate on working to prevent a catastrophic conflict between the two countries instead of making unbearable efforts to end the war in Ukraine. He expressed his belief that there was no need to use diplomacy to resolve an international crisis as is the case now.

The author observes that despite the severe consequences brought on by the armed conflict in Ukraine, this conflict has not yet developed enough to be resolved through a diplomatic settlement as both parties to the conflict still limit their hope of achieving a military victory on the ground. At the same time that Ukraine is attempting to reclaim additional lands that Russian forces have seized, Russia is still opposing any proposal to withdraw from Ukraine, which confirms the absence of a common ground bet.

The author adds that while Washington cannot impose any answers on Kyiv, it sees the necessity to continue to support Ukraine militarily while also demonstrating that it does not intend to destabilise Russia and that it is hoping to avert any direct armed war with Moscow.

The author cites remarks made by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a speech on Thursday, in which he confirmed Russia’s openness to engage in discussion with the West, to support his claim that Moscow is now more prepared than ever to interact with Washington.

The author also quotes Putin, who said that sooner or later, the two great powers, in light of the global multi-polar system, along with Western countries, will have to communicate in order to develop a vision for the shared future of all parties. This was said during the annual foreign policy forum in Moscow.

The author is of the opinion that the White House must take advantage of this current opportunity for communication and treat Putin’s statements seriously, particularly in light of the fact that the Russian Defense Minister recently spoke on the phone with his counterparts in America, Britain, France, and Turkey to convey the same message: Moscow wants to have a dialogue with the West.

In order to end the conflict in Ukraine, the author emphasises that more diplomacy refers to rationality in handling the situation if this diplomacy is used positively, explaining that the United States should not use the tactic of bargaining instead of working now to prevent that fierce conflict from escalating into a major war.

American author: To prevent a devastating conflict between the two countries, Washington must establish diplomatic relations with Russia.

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