India tightens the procedures for monitoring social media content

India tightens the procedures for monitoring social media content

The Indian government has announced amendments to the rules governing information technology, enabling it to exert more control over the content that appears on social media platforms.
The veto against choices made by platforms under the new rules will be used by a complaints office, giving the government actual control.
For a while now, the government has tightened rules for social media corporations like “Facebook” and “Twitter.”

These regulations state that businesses must already have a representative on the ground in India who the government can get in touch with if they want to delete content.
In accordance with the revised regulations, businesses must also acknowledge customer complaints within 24 hours and resolve them within 15 days or 72 hours if information removal requests are made.
The complaints office, which is supposed to be held, was condemned by the “Freedom of the Internet.”

The Foundation said in a statement, “It is the (complaints office) mainly a governmental control body on social media, which will make the bureaucrats judge our freedom of expression on the Internet. ”
“This will underestimate the harm to the digital rights of every Indian user of social media,” the Foundation continued.

India tightens the controls on social media content monitoring

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