Chinese newspaper: Washington has been involved in Europe over Ukraine and undermined the union countries

Chinese newspaper: Washington has been involved in Europe over Ukraine and undermined the union countries

According to the Chinese newspaper “Global Times,” the United States’ raising of the Ukrainian issue has significantly damaged European nations.
The journal made note of how the Ukrainian conflict triggered a major crisis in the energy industry, an increase in inflation in the euro area, and its level reaching a record.

According to numerous experts, the Democrats will lose the majority of seats in the House of Representatives in the midterm elections for the American Congress, the newspaper added in an article. It also noted that if the Republicans win on November 8, Washington will change its policy toward Ukraine, in particular, and Kyiv’s funding will be cut off.

According to the publication, concern over heating has grown as winter approaches in many European nations.
According to the daily, Europe is in for a “disaster” as a result of its heavy reliance on Washington, and the “uncertainty and frequent changes in US foreign policy have led to huge perils” for European nations.
Source: Global Times.

Chinese newspaper: Washington has meddled in European affairs over Ukraine and has weakened member states of the union

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