Tim Cook: Apple is making great efforts to provide iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone Bromacs

Tim Cook: Apple is making great efforts to provide iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone Bromacs

Apple CEO Tek Cook said the company is making great efforts to meet the demand for certain devices and provide them to consumers; Because the demand for it is very high without others, according to Mac Ramer.
Cook identified the two products as the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max and noted that the business faced production issues with them right away, which had an impact on sales.

Cook continued, “Apple is working with a very substantial effort to satisfy the demand,” adding that the customer demand was significant and ultimately performed better than Apple had anticipated. Cook anticipates that the supply will continue to experience challenges and limitations for some time.
Apple appeared content with the performance of the iPhone during the most recent quarter, as revenues rose by 10%. The iPhone revenues increased in 2021 by 39%, which made the comparison difficult from year to year.

Cook voiced his approval of the business’s recent quarter’s success.
Currently, many iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max are not delivered until next November in the United States when it is requested from the Apple store via the Internet..

Tim Cook: Apple is working hard to get the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone Bromacs available.

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