European Union: The government of Iraq has attained confidence an important step

European Union: The government of Iraq has attained confidence an important step

The European Union’s foreign affairs representative, Josep Borrell, congratulated the Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shi’a Al -Sudani, on Friday, on his government to gain the confidence of Parliament, considering it a “important step” towards stability in the country.
According to a statement by Borrell, the European Union seeks to collaborate closely with the Sudanese and its administration in order to promote the execution of the government’s stated reform programme and the fight against corruption.

The statement pointed out that the Prime Minister’s commitment to a balanced external policy and good relations with all Iraqi neighbors “opens positive horizons for the future”, stressing that the union will continue to support his country, its sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity.
After the administration of Muhammad Shi’a Al-Sudani presented its government programme, which received an overwhelming majority of voting, Parliament gave the government confidence yesterday, Thursday.

In addition, the “Al -Arabiya/Al -Hadath” correspondent reported that there was a clash of hands during the voting session on the new government headed by the President of the Council, Muhammad al -Halbousi, and the presence of 253 deputies.
The Sudanese (52 years old), a governor and a former minister from the traditional Shiite political class, was given the task of forming the cabinet on October 13 by the newly elected President of the Republic, Abdul Latif Rashid.

European Union: The confidence in the Iraqi administration is a significant development.

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