Experts reveal the best tea to get rid of belly fat

Experts reveal the best tea to get rid of belly fat

According to the “Shi Finds” website, green tea is the only hot beverage that specialists emphasise can help people lose weight.
Despite coming from the same plant as green tea, black tea is processed differently from green tea after being picked.
Due to its high concentration of potent antioxidants, this beverage, according to dietitian Lisa Richards, has a wide range of health advantages and is particularly beneficial for weight loss.

“When it comes to antioxidants, green tea offers a high amount of it, which makes it one of the best types of tea that you can drink if you want to improve metabolism, and it is one of the best drinks for your health in general. ”
“Antioxidants have significant health benefits, including the ability to reduce infection risk, prevent disease, and possibly even prevent cancer,” she concluded.

Chinese studies have already discovered that those who consume green tea rather than black tea are more likely to experience the health benefits of tea.
According to the research, people who frequently consume green tea have a 20% lower risk of developing heart disease and stroke and a 22% lower risk of dying from those conditions.

The best tea to reduce abdominal fat, according to experts

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