She refused to marry him and mutilated her with fire water! A heinous incident that fits Egypt

She refused to marry him and mutilated her with fire water! A heinous incident that fits Egypt

A young man assaulted an 18-year-old girl after she refused to marry him in a horrible incident that shocked the streets of Egypt.
The defendant noticed Israa M. in the details. He saw her at a wedding in the village of Qalioub, liked her, knew where she lived, and after consulting his father, decided to fulfil her engagement.

However, the father had another opinion, as he went to the girl’s house and met her with her father and told them that his son was not ready for marriage, and he asked them to reject him, according to what was revealed to “Cairo 24”.
In fact, the father of Israa rejected this young man after speaking to several people about him, all of whom agreed that he was terribly behaved and frequently caused disputes with the locals.

However, when he replied to him not accepting, Israa was surprised by the accused, who passes from in front of her house and threatens her with a variety of white weapons, including Catherine, Matta, and others, vowing her to take revenge on her after her refusal.
She also physically assaulted her mother and warned Israa’s sister that if she wasn’t for him, she wouldn’t be for anyone else.

Her mother assisted her while she stood in the vegetable area. She was surprised to see the young man call for one of his pals, then he returned and poured a burning substance (fire water). The remainder of the bottle hurled her grandmother when she attempted to defend her and his river.
Initially, Israa thought it was a gas water, but then she felt a heat in her face and her skin fell, and she screamed: “My life was destroyed and thickened, I wish I was my death and I did not get tortured.

She explained in an interview with “Cairo 24” that she used to love looking in the mirror and being happy with her appearance, but that after her face started to change, she started to despise it and started to cry on herself. She also emphasised that whenever she watched her grandmother, she would be reminded of the incident that destroyed her future after her dream was lost. Demanding retaliation in order to serve as a lesson for everyone who urged themselves to do so by enrolling in the Faculty of Commerce

Additionally, the security forces in Qalioubia were successful in apprehending the suspect, identified only as “MA” (18 years old), who admitted to the crime and altered a report in it.

As punishment for the girl’s and her family’s refusal to engage him in Qalioub, the investigation authorities in Qalioubia ordered the accused’s detention for 4 days while they conducted their investigation. They also questioned the investigations about the incident and the availability of eyewitnesses.

She refused to marry him and mutilated her with fire water! An awful event that matches Egypt

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