An urgent invitation to topple Iran from the World Cup Qatar and replace it with Ukraine

An urgent invitation to topple Iran from the World Cup Qatar and replace it with Ukraine

FIFA is under intense pressure as a result of demands to replace Iran with the national team of Ukraine at the World Cup in Qatar. Kyiv claims the Iranian government of giving Russia the go-ahead to send march jets to back it in continuing to invade Ukrainian territory.

In this regard, the director general of the Ukrainian team “Shakhtar Danitsk,” Sergey Balkin, stated in a statement shared on social media that “the Ukrainians will be slaughtered by Iranian drones and Iranian missiles while the Iranian officials will enjoy watching their national team in the World Cup.”
The early adopters of social media responded by supporting the “Shakhtar Danitsk” club’s request, hoping that it would be granted.

A few weeks ago, Kiev accused Tehran of giving Russia a “witness 136” suicide bomber, who was then employed by Russia to specifically target energy facilities.

An urgent request to Qatar to remove Iran and replace it with Ukraine for the World Cup

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