Watch the Khnum Bin Hathor necklace from the Cemetery of the Queen of Pharaonic Caromama II

Watch the Khnum Bin Hathor necklace from the Cemetery of the Queen of Pharaonic Caromama II

A gold and supply necklace representing the idol Khnum between Hathor and Maat was discovered in the graveyard of Queen “Karemama II” in Tel Al-Miqam, Mit Ghamr Center, Dakahlia Governorate. Queen Karumama is the wife of King Taklat II and the mother of King Oscon the third of the era of the second family Twenty (945-712 BC).

And the idol Khanoum bin Hathor in the ancient Egyptian religion, a god who was depicted in the form of a ram, or a man with a ram head and with two horns. Young children were deposited in their mothers’ wombs by the silt of the Nile that was available at Aswan.

Its origins may be traced to the time of the ancient state, when he was revered as “Nab – Qabbah,” or the master of water, by the ancient Egyptians. He continued to be worshipped during the time of the modern state as well, with the two philosophers serving as the focal point of his adoration.

During the era of the middle state, it appears to be sanctification of Khutum as it comes to the flood of the Nile and the silt and fertility it carries for the land, and these inscriptions were drawn on the new Satis Temple, where the text was not mentioned in the tasks of Khenoum that he assumed in the past, and with the coming of the nineteenth Egyptian family during the modern state he took Khenum “Lady of the Valine” was the title of the master of Elfinin, Nab-Abu, and earlier, the goddess Satis.


From the Queen of Pharaonic Caromama II Cemetery, observe the Khnum Bin Hathor necklace.

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