The conclusion of the Arab Conference on the heads of drug control devices in Tunisia

The conclusion of the Arab Conference on the heads of drug control devices in Tunisia

Following the conclusion of its proceedings, the 36th Arab Conference of the Heads of Drug Control Devices issued a number of significant proposals that would strengthen Arab cooperation in areas relevant to the work of these devices.
The heads of drug control agencies and their representatives from the Arab Interior Ministries attended the conference, which was held in Tunisia at the General Secretariat of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers’ headquarters.

Participants in the conference included representatives from the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and the Criminal Information Center for Narcotics Control. Naif Arab University of Security Sciences is another.
The conference decided to organise an Arab team, which will allow for a rapid exchange of knowledge regarding drugs and psychoactive substances.

The conference urged member states to strengthen their border, crossing, and port security, as well as their procedures and measures for monitoring cargo transport trucks, as well as to form joint investigation committees to look into cases of smuggling involving land transport trucks. It also emphasised the value of exchanging technical assistance, including training and qualified personnel.

Because sports and the arts have a direct impact on young people, who are most vulnerable to drug use, he urged member states to invest in these areas and raise awareness of the need to reduce the demand for drugs. He also urged them to develop early warning systems to track the emergence of the spread of opioid pharmaceutical effects.

The conference advocated for tackling attempts to traffic and promote narcotic narcotics via electronic platforms, as well as leveraging the dark internet and taking advantage of virtual currency.

The results of the competition held by the General Secretariat to select the best field information cooperation on the Arab, regional, and international levels led to the control of drug smuggling networks were announced on the sidelines of the conference. The Ministry of Interior of the Kingdom of Bahrain won first place, followed by the Ministry of Interior of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the Ministry of Interior of the United Arab Emirates took third place.


The Arab Conference on Heads of Drug Control Devices in Tunisia came to an end.

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