Zakharova: The West is around Ukraine into a modern weapons laboratory

Zakharova: The West is around Ukraine into a modern weapons laboratory

With the continuation of Western countries, especially the United States, to provide military support to the Ukrainian forces, in order to repel the Russian forces, the Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed that the West is testing modern weapons on Ukrainian soil.
During a press conference today, ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said, “The West has turned the Ukrainian lands into a contemporary weapons laboratory.”

Additionally, it urged Western nations to exert pressure on Kyiv to give up the risky plan to use a dirty bomb.
Additionally, it was taken into account that by seizing the frozen Russian balances overseas, the West hoped to raise money to support Ukraine.
Regarding the potential for a nuclear conflict, I charged Ukrainian President Voludmir Zellinski with attempting to spark one worldwide.

She realised that Kiev might try to extort greater financial and military support from the West by threatening to deploy nuclear weapons.
The Kremlin, for its part, asserted that the Ukrainian government withdrew from the peace negotiations in March “on orders from Washington.”
The two countries had the language of their agreement ready, but the Ukrainian side abruptly left the room and later said that it was no longer interested in continuing the negotiations.

Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, was quoted as saying that “this rejection of the accord was plainly based on the orders of Washington” at the time. ”
It is significant that the military operation Moscow initiated on Ukrainian territory has now lasted eight months without, on the contrary, showing any signs that a resolution is on the horizon.
The two sides resumed their military escalation, particularly in the south and east of Ukraine.

After Kiev imposed hundreds of sanctions on Russia that damaged many different industries and frozen millions of Russian balances abroad, Western nations increased their military aid to Kiev.

Zakharova: The West has turned Ukraine into a cutting-edge weapons research facility.

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