The Kremlin: Putin did not congratulate Sonak because Britain is not a friendly country

The Kremlin: Putin did not congratulate Sonak because Britain is not a friendly country

Because Britain is a “non-friendly” nation, Russian President Vladimir Putin did not congratulate the new British Prime Minister Rishi Sonak on taking office, the Kremlin said on Wednesday.
“Britain is part of countries classified in a non -friendly category, therefore, congratulations were not offered. ” London is one of the most prominent supporters of Ukraine against Russia.

Russia had stated on Tuesday that it could not see any justification for hoping for better ties with the UK under the new prime minister Rishi Sonak.
Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for the Kremlin, told reporters, “At the moment, we do not see what calls for hope for any positive improvements in the foreseeable future.
At the negotiating table, he continued, “Russia is still open and ready to tackle the most challenging subjects, but not at the expense of our interests.”

After Liz underwent Tuesday’s training, Sonak became the country’s youngest prime leader in two centuries.
Since Russia dispatched tens of thousands of soldiers to Ukraine on February 24, Britain has been one of the nations that has shown the most support for Kiev and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zellinski. Since then, Sonak has served as Britain’s third prime minister.
The resignation of Tarrach and its predecessor Boris Johnson was welcomed by Russian officials.

They frequently stated that they did not believe there was any chance of repairing ties between London and Moscow, irrespective of the British Prime Minister.
The new British Prime Minister Rishi Sonak, on Tuesday, told Ukrainian President Folodimir Zellinski that he can rely on the UK’s “firm” support for his country in the midst of war with Russia.

Sonak “spoke with Ukrainian President Foludmir Zellinski to stress the UK’s unequivocal support for Ukraine” in the first phone call he made with a foreign leader since taking office, according to a statement from the British Prime Minister.
Sonak expressed his “hope for a relative personal meeting” with Zelenxi.

The Ukrainian President stated that he had called Sonak to come to Ukraine and that he hoped to “strengthen” relations with Britain, which is one of the major nations supporting Kiev against Russia.

Because of his steadfast support for Ukraine against Russia, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who held the job until last September, was highly regarded in Kyiv. His resignation, which he announced in July, has raised many questions. Johnson has travelled to Ukraine three times since the conflict started in February; his most recent trip took place on August 24.

Putin did not congratulate Sonak because Britain is not a friendly nation, according to the Kremlin

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