October 2022 salaries disbursement dates

October 2022 salaries disbursement dates

The Ministry of Finance has decided that the pay of all national employees would resume in October 2022, beginning last Monday, October 24, 2022.
According to the Ministry of Finance, the salaries of October 2022 are disbursed to workers in all administrative authorities in the country, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 30 of the same month.

The dates of the distribution of salaries were not specified in the announcement of the disbursement of the new salary to divide the administrative authorities into groups across two or three days, as was the case in the preceding months.

It was decided to return to paying employees’ dues in accordance with the dates of the exchange mentioned in the public publication of the Ministry of Finance No. 11 of 2018, according to Tariq Bassiouni, head of the accounts and financial directorates sector at the Ministry of Finance. However, specific days of exchange for each government agency were not specified.

According to the Ministry of Finance’s periodic book for the accounts and financial directorates, which was published this month, the dates of the employees’ overdue payments will be between the hours of August 8 and October 10 (3 days), taking into account official holidays.

In accordance with the agreements between the administrative authority and the banks, the Ministry of Finance urged the administrative authorities to take into account the signing of the employees’ dues in accordance with the coverage days.
According to the dates specified in the electronic banking system, it said it would start making worker dues accessible in ATMs.

The Ministry of Finance requested that the administrative authorities notify its employees of the start date of the exchange in a way that helps to reduce the line-ups at the ATMs as much as possible, in keeping with the state’s efforts to discourage crowding within the bounds of safety precautions, assist citizens, and lighten their burdens.

Dates for paying salary in October 2022

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