A park without a name: Calgary’s former James Short Park hosts pop-up artwork

A park without a name: Calgary’s former James Short Park hosts pop-up artwork

James Short exhibited racism.
“To honour all the founding families of Chinatown, the naming of one park is not sufficient.”
“Nothing gets better with time. Simply causing a generation to forget
These are just a few of the sayings that were placed on banners in Calgary’s James Short Park.
Fung Ling Feimo, a member of the community, remarked, “This is a symbolic location for us to heal.”
Among the voices Annie Wong heard from Calgary’s Chinese community was Feimo.

During the community conversations with the City of Calgary, she served as the resident artist. The city has been collaborating with the neighbourhood on the creation of Tomorrow’s Chinatown for more than three years.
Wong’s temporary art installation — seven banners, written in both English and Chinese — represent pieces of those often difficult conversations as the city moves to rename the park.

Renaming this location on the edge of Chinatown, which was formerly named as James Short Park and Parkade, “addresses the historic injustice inflicted by racial discrimination against Chinese Canadians,” according to Jennifer Thompson, Manager of Arts and Culture at the City of Calgary.
We being able to create our own environment made me very happy. And our own opportunity to process these feelings and these histories with each other,” said Wong.

“Chinatown has existed in three separate Calgary locations since it was established in 1885. The Chinese community failed to establish roots and was forced to relocate due to racial prejudice and displacement, according to the city’s website.
In 1910, James Short filed a petition to stop the construction of the first commercial building owned by Chinese people.
Up through Friday, the artwork will be on display. On November 1st, a new park name suggestion will be given to city council.

Former James Short Park in Calgary now houses temporary art installations.

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