Indonesia .. Launching a new wealthy visa for ten years

Indonesia .. Launching a new wealthy visa for ten years

The “second house visa” is an Indonesian visa for the wealthy that will be available for a duration starting from five to ten years, according to the Immigration Department of the Indonesian Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.
Widodo Ekatiahiana, a spokeswoman for immigration, told the Antara daily today that the Group of Twenty Summit in Indonesia was a perfect time to introduce the newest entrance visa proposal to the globe.

At the time the new visa was announced by the immigration service, the G20 summit was taking place in Bali.
According to the source, wealthy foreigners will be able to live in Indonesia for five to ten years with the second house visa. The official went on to say that enterprises from around the world as well as elderly tourists looking to “relax in Indonesia” are among the visa’s intended users.
We are now trying to launch a non -financial motivation policy to attract wealthy people to Indonesia, including billionaires from all over the world.

Foreign nationals are allowed to stay in Indonesia “to work, invest, and engage in other economic activities” if they have obtained a “second house visa.”
The application can also be submitted through the website of the Immigration Office, with the attachment of what proves the presence of 131 thousand US dollars in a bank account, the cost of obtaining the visa is about 200 USD..

Indonesia is introducing a new, ten-year rich visa.

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