Jones Hopkins: Corona injuries around the world exceed 628 million

Jones Hopkins: Corona injuries around the world exceed 628 million

The American University of Jones Hopkins reported today, Tuesday, that the outcome of the injuries of the new Corona Corona virus “Kovid-19” around the world rose to 628 million and 176 thousand and 621 injuries.
According to the university’s most recent statistic, which was posted on its website, the number of people who have died globally as a result of the virus infection has reached 6 million, 580 thousand, and 84 deaths.

According to her, the United States reported the most cases worldwide, totaling more than 97.2 million injuries. India came in second place with more than 44.6 million injuries, followed by Brazil with more than 34.7 million.

With more than one million and 67 thousand cases, the United States topped the list of nations for the number of deaths brought on by the virus. Brazil came in second with 687 thousand and 574 deaths, and India took third with a total of 528 thousand and 980 deaths, according to the most recent data.

Jones Hopkins: There are more than 628 million corona injuries worldwide.

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