Urgent .. Minister of Industry: 90% of Egyptian companies do not produce their production

Urgent .. Minister of Industry: 90% of Egyptian companies do not produce their production

The programme of re-export duties is being restructured and made more dynamic to complement the state’s aims to enhance exports, according to Ahmed Samir, Minister of Trade and Industry. This will help Egypt’s exports grow.

On the third day of the Egyptian Economic Conference 2022, “Samir” continued in press statements that the real problem with Egyptian exports is that only 10% of the total number of companies operating in the market are exporting, while 90% are not authorised; as a result, the Ministry will work to strengthen businesses that are doing so.

In order to change the regulations governing the distribution of the export support programme, additional incentives are given to businesses when they export to certain markets, such as Australia and New Zealand or Africa, or when they export from certain industrial cities, like the city of Rubiki and Damietta for furniture, or when they export under brands or equal deals. “Samir” indicated that a meeting with the Ministry of Finance will take place soon.

A must.. Minister of Industry: 90% of Egyptian companies do not produce their production

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