Night demonstrations in Iran .. and protesters set fire to the statue of Soleimani

Night demonstrations in Iran .. and protesters set fire to the statue of Soleimani

News from Al-Madinah: Numerous Iranian cities continue to experience protests. Mahabad in the western province of Azerbaijan witnessed night demonstrations that accompanied a great deployment of the security forces, while demonstrators set fire to a statue of Qasim Soleimani in the capital, Tehran.
Ali Bahdri Jahrami, a spokesman for the Ibrahim Raisi government, was unable to finish his speech at Khaja Naseer University in Tehran as a result of the widespread student protests and chanting.

“I believe the taunts might stop if I leave this location. We should postpone this meeting until later.”
a student uprising
During the government spokesperson’s appearance, the students chanted in the university conference room, “We do not want a corrupt system, we do not want a fatal guest,” “This year, the year of blood, Sayyid Ali will be annihilated,” and “Death to Khamenei.”

On Monday, the University of Humdan students gathered in a high-security area to demonstrate against the murder of their classmate Nakin Abdel Maliki, and special forces ringed the campus.
It is noteworthy that Nakin Abdel Malaki, a medical engineer at the University of Sana’i Hamdan University, suffered a bleeding on October 12 after she was hit by batons by security personnel, and she died after returning to university housing.

Members of the medical system in the capital Tehran and Isfahan declared that rallies would be held on Wednesday and Thursday to protest the Iranian security forces’ meddling in medical operations in response to the attack on a gathering of doctors in Shiraz, in southern Iran.

demands the use of medical professionals in large-scale protests
Videos of several doctors in Shiraz chanting “Death to the tyrant” and holding signs in front of the “Medical System” building have gone viral on social media.
In the recent weeks, Iranian doctors issued a statement urging against using ambulances to carry police personnel in order to disperse demonstrators and avoid interfering with medical procedures.

Doctors also called for maintaining the confidentiality of information about the injured who review the therapeutic centers in Iran and maintain the independence of the country’s forensic system in the country to prevent the public’s confidence in the medical system.

Iranian protests at night. Protesters burn Soleimani’s statue on fire.

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